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Finally! A Natural Diet Soft Drink! Thank Goodness For Coca-Cola!

Posted by Dr. Nicole in May 19th, 2008
Posted in: Sugar Substitutes, Weight Loss, Kitchen Sink


I bet you thought you would NEVER in your lifetime hear a Naturopathic Physician sing the praises of Coca-Cola, but because they are going to be the FIRST company out with a new naturally sweetened zero calorie soft drink made out of the herb Stevia, I thought I would do a little promo for them.

Because Aspartame is a Villain of the Kitchen Table, I whole heartedly recommend Stevia as the only currently safe zero calorie sweetener. Stevia has been used for over 200 years in Paraguay, and in my opinion we need to use products that are shown to be safe by research. I am always skeptical of any new chemical that has not passed the test of time, and has safely passed through generations of humans.

Truvia is the brand name of the natural sweetener synthesized from the plant Stevia that will be used in this new Coca Cola product. You can read an article about the use of Stevia based products here.

Otherwise I thought I would share with you all the exciting press release I just received on this product soon to hit the shelves this year:

I hope that this product made from Stevia will give all you diet pop drinkers a new healthier option. Please keep in mind that I am completely AGAINST the use of the evil villain aspartame and until this product is out would prefer that people drink regular soda or even better green tea, or good ol’ water!

If we are forced to GROW plants in order to fulfill the demand for zero calorie products that is only a benefit to the environment, as the growth of plants helps to fight the rising levels of carbon monoxide in our atmosphere and the resultant “Greenhouse Effect”.

Hooray for Coca-Cola and Cargill…it is important that a large company like Coca-Cola is on board with this mission to provide natural products because they actually have the name brand and reach to promote a natural product.

Just say “NO” to fake food!

~Dr. Nicole Sundene
Naturopathic Physician

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